What is microblading?

When semi-permanent makeup first became “talked about,” I could not wait to do my research. Having the perfect look without the use of make up sounded like a dream come true – and the ultimate time saver! One of the most popular forms of semi-permanent makeup is called microblading. It is a technique that creates perfect brows that can last for more than a year.

What is microblading?

“A tattoo, on your face?!” Not exactly. But if you are thinking of getting a tattoo, maybe start here!
Microblading is the art of adding hairlike strokes to one’s eyebrow in order to create more defined brow. The ink used in microblading is different than the ink in traditional tattoos. Microblading (or any other cosmetic tattoo ink) is considered “non-permanent,” meaning the ink slowly fades over 1-3 years. Just as the face changes shape as people age, no tattoo artist would ever put permanent ink on someone. Microblading also differs from regular tattooing because it is all done by hand, without a machine, and the ink does not go as deep into the skin, which is another reason it fades faster than a normal tattoo.

Did it hurt?
Surprisingly enough, microblading does not hurt.

If you have been considering getting your own brows microbladed, spend some time on Creative (https://www.instagram.com/beautylashbrow/).Microblading Instagram feed checking out before/after photos.

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